9 Ways to Send Love in the Mail

9 Ways to Send Love in the Mail: Spread love and Let Loved Ones Know How Much You Care

With all that is wrong in the world, I decided to write a post about spreading love. Because damnit, THAT is what we need. We need to connect with people, put technology on the back burner and throw kindness around like its freaking water. It costs us nothing to be kind and I am just so sick of seeing hate, especially here in the states.

So, let’s get into 9 easy ways you can send love in the mail!

  1. SEND PRETTY MAIL- Everyone loves getting mail. More importantly, people love getting mail that’s not a bill! Sending a gorgeous, thoughtful card or a letter decked out with glittery stickers is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. I happen to know a girl if you need said stationery to write on! Hint, Hint!
  2. THINK ABOUT HOLIDAYS- the holidays are a good time to send snail mail. Holiday greeting cards are my go-to but many people even ship gifts through the mail.
  3. TRY OUT A SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE- subscriptions that cater to a loved one’s interest is the perfect way to send love in the mail. Nowadays there is a subscription for everything, from Disney Princess boxes, to shaving sets to my personal favorite: wine!
  4. A LOVE LETTER – As I said before everyone loves getting mail. Send your loved ones a love letter. I think the most common misconception is that love letters are meant only for romantic relationships. This could not be further from the truth. Life is so short, we need to spend our time telling our loved ones exactly how we feel about them.
  5. A JUST BECAUSE LETTER- the best type of gift or correspondence is the type that is unexpected. Everyone expects gifts on their birthdays or holidays but no one expects you to go above and beyond on a Tuesday!
  6. DIY A CRAFT- Get crafty! Try your hand at something crafty. Pinterest is a great resource for this! Find something you think your loved ones would like and make a bunch of them. Then, mail them all out! This is great especially for the holidays!
  7. FIND A PEN PAL – I think we as human beings are missing connection with each other. Finding a pen pal is a great way to send love in the mail. Getting to know another person is such a fun adventure and exploration of self. You get to talk about things with a stranger that you possibly would not with someone you are close to. Think of a pen pal as a living diary of sorts. I am so in love with the art of letter writing and I believe that we need more excuses to write things down.
  8. SEND FLOWERS – cliché i know. But sending flowers is a great way to send love. When people get flowers in the mail, they light up! I mean who would not love getting gorgeous buds in the mail? My suggestion is to find a reputable florist in the area of the recipient. Big box suppliers are great for convenience, but it is important to remember that they contract out local shops anyway. Those local shops have to invest in specific vases, flowers etc. You best bet and biggest bang for your buck will be to hire them directly!
  9. Visit! Ok so this one is cheating! Technically, you can’t mail yourself. Sometimes people just need human interaction. I think we get so wrapped up in our lives and technology that it can be hard to remember to stay present. Visiting a loved one is the BEST way to show you care!

I hope these helped you get into the spirit of love and spreading it. How can you implement even one of these bullet points today, or even this week? Tackle one tip and make it a priority to get through the whole list! I would love to know which one you want to start with!




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