Big News, We can now be found in 100+ Retail Stores

Pretty Peacock Paperie can now be found in 100 + retail shops around the US and two in Canada!

To say I am thrilled to announce this is an understatement. I am still pinching myself. I started the PPP stationery line back in 2017 after the birth of my first child. I had postpartum depression, a traumatic birth experience and it all left me wondering how to balance a newborn and a mountain of custom design work. I felt this disconnect with the custom work and had a hard time adjusting to the work/newborn changes. That’s when I decided I wanted to start the stationery line.

I wanted to design something I loved. With custom, the design is about the client’s vision and it is up to the designer to put a spin on it. However, Pretty Peacock Paperie is truly one of my babies. These pieces are my vision. I get the final decision on whether something works, or not. When my customers and stockist purchase my stationery, I am truly thankful because this is really a little piece of my heart going out into the world.

If you want to find Pretty Peacock Paperie in your hood, be sure to check out our stockist page. Thank you to all my customers who continuously support me and my art and to the small businesses that choose my line for their shops. Y’all are the real MVPs in this story and I love everyone of you dearly!

With so much love and gratitude,



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